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AlzRisk Paper Detail

Reference: Tyas, 2001
Cohort: Manitoba Study of Health and Aging
Risk Factor: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Average Follow-up Time Detail
The investigators interviewed 1763 subjects. 1355 subjects were screened to be cognitively intact (3MS score of 78+) at the interview in 1991/1992. Questionnaires were returned by 1039 (76.7%) of this baseline cohort. The cohort in which the analysis is based on comprises of 694 subjects who screened as cognitively intact, completed a risk factor questionnaire in 1991/1992, and for whom cognitive status in 1996/1997 (follow-up visit) was known.

Exposure Detail
Interviewers ascertained exposure information on NSAID use through self report via mailed questionnaire shortly after the baseline evaluation in 1991-1992. The investigators evaluated NSAID use at baseline in relation to incident AD over the 5 years of follow-up, reporting results separately for ever vs. never any NSAID use, ever vs. never non-ASA NSAID use, and ever vs never ASA use. This entry pertains to results on ever vs. never ASA use.

The investigators compared incident AD risk in two groups: the group of participants who used ASA at any time ("Ever used") and the reference group of participants who did not use ASA at any time ("Never used").

Ethnicity Detail
The MSHA cohort included participants from across the province of Manitoba and included rural farming locations, villages, towns, and small cities. No information on the ethnic background of participants has been provided.

Age Detail
All participants were at least 65 years old. The age groups were 65-74, 75-84, and 85 years and older. Participants were intentionally over-sampled from the two older age groups.

Screening and Diagnosis Detail
Screening Method:
3MSEModified Mini-Mental State Examination (Teng 1987)
Neuropsych Testing

AD Diagnosis:
NINDS-AIREN National Institute for Neurologic Disorders and Stroke-Association Internationale pour la Recherche et l'Enseignement en Neurosciences (Roman 1993)

"Cognitive impairment was assessed using the Modified Mini-Mental State Exam (3MS).50 Individuals scoring less than 78 out of a possible 100 were considered to be potentially cognitively impaired and were invited to participate in a clinical assessment which included neuropsychological testing as appropriate. The diagnostic categories of probable and possible AD were assigned based on this clinical assessment according to National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association (NINCDS-ADRDA) criteria, 51 the standard clinical research protocol for diagnosis of AD."

Covariates & Analysis Detail
Analysis Type:
Logistic regression

"Risk factors were divided into five categories: sociodemographic, genetic, environmental, medical, and lifestyle factors. Multiple logistic regression models were developed to assess the association between AD and each of the risk factors. All models were adjusted for age (years, continuous), sex and education unless otherwise stated to control for their effects and to facilitate comparison with the results of other studies. The number of subjects in some categories, particularly exposed cases, was small for many of the factors and should be considered in interpretation of the results."

AD Covariates: